30.3.2023 7 hours - Implementation of Scripting Part 1. I am very happy personally with my progress, everything I have implemented thus far is clear to me why a...
23.3.2023 5 hours - went through the materials and links on Scripting Part 1 and 2. with an emphasis on understanding each part on its own instead of getting st...
16.3.2023 7 hours spent on Scripting Part 1. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make a build because of compile errors. I tried to painstakingly go through all the...
16.2.2023 1 hour long setup of the project and its attachments during the class (including a creation of my MFF account on the spot x) ) 30 minutes for completi...
2.3.2023 2D Game Kit walkthrough tutorial - 4 hours Outcome: Finished build in a .rar file Notes: Maybe I have confused that we should have built on top of the...